Call for Speakers

WordCamp Skopje is on the 19th Of October 2024 and we are looking for excellent speakers… The game is very simple: we give you a stage, you rock it!

Talks and Workshops

WordCamp Skopje is an opportunity to showcase the present and future of WordPress in the Balkans and all over the World, so we want speakers who are experienced and we look forward to well-prepared applications.

Our sessions will be 30 minutes long with addition 10minutes for Q&A with the audience. If you have more then one idea, please submit them all, we will pick the one we like the best. Please send one submission per talk.

The call for speakers is open for presentation in Macedonian and English. We are planning two tracks and one track for workshops.

The final date for speaker applications is 20th of September with announcements for speakers on the 23rd.

We are looking for beginner, advanced and expert talks.

Here are some topics to inspire you:

Setup – Getting Started
Choosing Plugins
State of WordPress
Future of WordPress

Best practices
Multi-lingual Websites
Accessibility Testing

Plugin best practices
Coding best practices
Performance – Caching, Optimisation, Scaling big
Server setups
Gutenberg page templates




Before submitting your speaker proposal, please log in to using your account*.

If you don’t have an account, please create one.

* This is your account for the official website, rather than your personal WordPress site.

Is this your first time being a speaker at a WordPress event?