Speaker Announcement Round 4

The day draws near, preparations are coming to an end, and we have 18 awesome speakers to announce. It’s an honour to have such a smart group of professionals participate and support the third WordCamp Skopje.

We’re incredibly proud of the speakers list, we are also really sad that we had to pass on so many incredible sounding talks.

Thank you for your dedication, your interest in supporting our local WordPress community and most of all thank you for your precious time.

Martin Mladenov

“My name is Martin Mladenov and i’m from Sofia, Bulgaria, More than 10 years i’m specialized in FrontEnd development. With more than 7 years in the management of FE teams. I lead international FE teams for a number of Bulgarian and English companies, such as GlobalData Plc, New Statesman Media Group. My current position is Front-End Tech Lead in the R&D department of Sesame.bg, creating a brand new gaming platform.”

Albert Suntic

Albert Suntic is a passionate PHP developer with over 20 years of experience in the field.
Over the years, he has worked on a wide range of projects, from small websites to large-scale platforms.
His WordPress development journey started two years ago at ServMask! And yes, those guys made him love WordPress and dedicate his knowledge to improving backup plugins and extensions.

Nemanja Cimbaljevic

“I’m Nemanja, a full-stack WordPress developer from Belgrade, Serbia. For nearly 2 decades my passion and focus was in PHP development, performance optimisation and in last decade and half in WordPress, and how to make WordPress do things it wasn’t meant to do. In last few years I’m trying to bridge the gap between WordPress, WooCommerce and syncing large amounts of items between origin source and Woo.
For almost a year I’m working as a software engineer for GoDaddy in of security teams.”

Milan Savov

Milan Savov is born and raised in Strumica, N. Macedonia, MS in Software Engineering. During 2011-2014 worked in a private company as a WordPress developer, and then continued freelancing up until 2018 again as WordPress expert, before SmartClick was founded, as an agency offering custom WordPress development and SEO. As a freelancer/web developer worked on more than 150 projects for different kinds of companies – from startups to huge corporations in different countries worldwide; Denmark, England, Australia, USA, Canada, and also collaborated with many agencies, as part of their internal teams. Now, leads SmartClick who is focused on helping B2B SaaS companies generate revenue through organic traffic by perfectly optimized websites.

Mitko Kochkovski

“I aim for perfection and I’m eager to expand my knowledge and skill base, so I always look forward to new challenges. My love for WordPress and the need to stay up to date has driven me to attend WordPress Conferences all over Europe. I’ve also benefited from my connection to the small but growing WordPress community in Macedonia. I like to give back to the WordPress community by adding plugins and helping with core updates. In 2018 I founded webpigment.com where we specialize in Woocommerce themes and plugins.”