
Sorry, but there are currently no tickets for sale. Please try again later.

What’s included with each ticket?

Regular ticket

This ticket includes entry to the Conference Day held on the 5th October, as well as the Afterparty on the evening of the 5th. Delicious meals will be provided for lunch on the Conference Day (including vegetarian). Tea and coffee will also be available on Conference Day and Contributor Day.

WordCamp Skopje will consist of one track of awesome talks, plus the awesome community and networking opportunities.

Micro sponsor ticket

Pay closer to the true value of a ticket. This ticket includes one WordCamp Skopje 2019 regular ticket plus a link from our sponsors page. Find out more here.


If you need a ticket invoice,  just contact us here with the following info:

  • the email address used when purchasing the tickets
  • transaction id
  • number of purchased tickets
  • company name
  • company address
  • VAT / unique registration number

and we’ll get back to you with the invoice.

Note: Tickets are non-refundable, but you can still edit the details if you’d like to give it or sell it to someone else. Thank you for understanding!

Note: Tickets will not be sold at the door!

Recording Policy: For community-building and promotional purposes, there will be a volunteer and/or professional photographers and videographers at the WordCamp event. By attending the event, you consent to your image being used in resulting photos or videos that may show your participation in the WordCamp.

Everyone who participates in WordCamp Skopje must abide by our Code of Conduct.

If you are subject to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify a conference organizer as soon as possible.